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Corporate Memberships

How does a business benefit by making Affordable Care Solutions available to employees?

Health insurance coverage is one of the most important benefits a business can offer to its employees. It is also one of its largest expenses.

Employees are healthier and happier when they have affordable and convenient access to urgen care. They can get medical care without missing work, because our walk-in clinics are open five days a week, including evenings and weekends. Employers can keep the cost of providing health insurance under control when employees use urgent care services instead of going to an emergency room for after-hours care.

If your business cannot afford to provide a benefit-rich health insurance plan…or any plan at all, Affordable Care Solutions membership is an attractive benefit that can help your business recruit and retain employees.

  • ACS may keep your staff from leaving for better benefits
  • Availability to part-time, temporary, seasonal, and probationary employees sets your company from your competitors
  • Availability of before-work and after-work hours for employees and their dependents keeps workers at work and on duty when needed
  • ACS covers services often not covered by company health plans and is not tied to one network (Cox or Mercy’s)

Can employees become members if they already have health insurance?

An employer’s existing insurance plan may pay a portion of an employee’s healthcare costs, but increasing deductibles and non-covered services result in significant gaps in coverage. Affordable Care Solutions is not insurance and is not a substitute for health insurance, but it does help to minimize employees’ out-of-pocket healthcare costs.

How much does membership cost?

Affordable Care Solutions membership costs only:

  • $66 per month for individuals
  • $264 per month (maximum) for a family of 4 or more

Payment can be handled conveniently by automatic deduction from your corporate bank account.

  • As long as you pay monthly dues, you will remain a member
  • Membership can be cancelled at any time

What benefits are available to members?

Members are entitled to $42 office visits at any of our five walk-in clinics and covers procedures and on-site tests common to urgent care visits.This fee includes:

  • IVs
  • X-Rays
  • Sutures
  • The Office Visit
  • In-house lab work (strep tests, urinalysis, etc.)
  • A variety of other services offered in our facilities
  • The convenience of seven-day a week access, including evening hours

Affordable Care Solutions

$66 Per Month

($264 per family per month)



Doctor Visits        X-Rays        Sutures        IVs

In-house lab work (strep tests, urinalysis, etc.)

A variety of other services offered in our facilities

The convenience of seven-day a week access

What services are NOT covered?

Members are responsible for paying any charges incurred outside of Family Medical Walk-In Clinics’ facilities. As such, emergency department care, ambulance services, hospital fees, prescriptions, tests processed at outside labs, specialists, and diagnostic radiology (MRIs, CAT scans, IVPs, etc.) will be billed by the facility providing the service and are not included in the Affordable Care Solutions membership fee or office visit fee.

Work-related illnesses, injuries or physicals are not included. See contract for terms and conditions.

Where can employees use their Affordable Care Solutions benefits?

Membership benefits are available at Family Medical Walk-In Clinics’ three convenient locations:

  • Springfield, MO

How do employees join Affordable Care Solutions?

Joining Affordable Care Solutions is FAST and EASY. After investing only a few minutes of their time, employees can begin saving money!

Unlike insurance, no minimum percentage of employee participation is required, and utilization is not applied to your company’s health plan.

Because Affordable Care Solutions is NOT insurance, a business can facilitate employee access to membership by:

  • Purchasing memberships or pay a percent of membership dues as a benefit of employment
  • Making memberships available for employees to purchase (the business receives one bill and employees can pay through payroll deduction)
  • Making available the information employees need to individually purchase Affordable Care Solutions membership

Affordable Care Solutions does most of the administrative work for you:

  • We supply brochures to your HR department, notices for your company’s newsletter, posters for your break room, and inserts for pay envelopes
  • Our representatives are available for on-site presentations to your management team and employees

New members must fill out a one page application and provide information to facilitate payment by automatic bank account withdrawal. Membership goes into effect on the business day following the receipt of the completed application and the first and last months’ membership fees.

Where can a business find more information on offering Affordable Care Solutions as an employee benefit?

Call Family Medical Walk-In Clinics at 417-890-5550 for more information about the program, or send an email request to Sarah Coffelt.